FKS Group Conducted Cooking Training at Wikrama Putra Orphanage in Semarang and YPAB Permata Hati in Surakarta.
As part of our commitment to one of the ESG pillars, Community Development, we at FKS Group are consistently seeking ways to implement our pillar through various initiatives. One of them is by empowering orphanages through education. In our recent activity, FKS conducted cooking training sessions in orphanages at Panti Asuhan Wikrama Putra in Semarang and YPAB Permata Hati in Surakarta.
Our initiatives have the aim of providing essential skills that can open endless entrepreneurial opportunities for them. About 50 (fifty) orphanage residents, consist of children, teachers and caregivers took part in this session.
This activity is not only meant to educate the orphanages through traditional culinary education to participate hands-on in the process of making tempeh and traditional cakes (Mochi and Kue Ku), but also to conserve Indonesian traditional food. This all initiatives show that FKS Group commit to implement our ESG Pillars and core values of FKS Care to make a positive impact on the communities we serve.